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Mehaničar Imate li znanja o održavanju kamiona/vozila? Imate li tehničke vještine za rješavanje bilo kojeg problema? Nego ste mehaničar N2 kojeg ljudi traže. Radit ćete s najnovijom tehnikom, automobilima, kamionima i prikolicama! Želite pokazati svoj talent kao mehaničar i volite raditi s vozilima i kamionima. Ovaj posao će biti dostupan za više klijenata na više lokacija u Nizozemskoj. Što trebaš: Certifikat za mehaničara Visokokvalitetan radnik Dobro govori engleski (prednost) Iskustvo (prednost) Što dobivaš: Dobra plaća ovisi o iskustvu 40 sati radni tjedan Stan (ako je potrebno) Odjeća i obuća (ako je potrebno) Prilika da rastete/razvijate sebe
Eindhoven  Puno vrijeme  38-40 sat  Automobilska 
Prepper Jeste li točni? Radite po visokim standardima i znate što je potrebno da bi vozilo bilo spremno za farbanje? Onda ste Vi Prepper kojeg tražimo! U N2 People uvijek tražimo automobilske profesionalce koji žele podići svoje sposobnosti na sljedeću razinu. za ovaj posao pripremite auto 101% za farbanje i provjerite je li sve ispravno napravljeno da počne raditi. Što trebaš: Certifikat automehaničar/pripremnik Visokokvalitetan radnik Vozačka dozvola B Govor i pisanje engleskog jezika   Što dobivaš: Stan (ako je potrebno) Cipele i odjeća (ako je potrebno) Dobra plaća Rad s najnovijom tehnikom i materijalima Rad u high-end tvrtkama Prilika za razvoj sebe
The Netherlands  Automobilska 
Logistics Employee
Are you looking for a varied logistics role in a dynamic environment? Do you have experience in a production setting and seek a new challenge? Then we’re looking for you! What will you be doing? As a Logistics Employee, you'll ensure smooth and safe logistics processes within our production department: Support production: Fill conveyors, remove products, and load containers with cranes or loaders. Transport and storage: Empty bunkers, unload trucks, and move containers with a shunting truck. Administration: Maintain checklists, production forms, and logbooks. Maintenance: Perform daily maintenance on rolling stock. Collaboration: Assist colleagues as needed in other production areas. Your profile: Education and experience: MBO degree preferred with experience in a similar role. Certifications: Forklift and loader certificates, or willing to obtain them. Language skills: Minimum B1 level in English; Dutch is a plus. Personal qualities: Independent, quality-focused, communicative, and meticulous. Able to operate mobile equipment. What do we offer? Work environment: Outdoor, challenging, sometimes dirty and dusty. Requires a hands-on mentality. Are you the Logistics Employee we’re looking for? Apply now!
Eindhoven  Puno vrijeme  40 sat  Logistika 
Automotive Tecnician
Job Description:  As a First Automotive Technician, also known as a Lead Mechanic or Automotive Engineer, you will be an experienced professional responsible for performing complex repairs, diagnosing vehicle issues, and conducting routine maintenance. Your key responsibilities include: Performing complex repairs on various types of vehicles. Diagnosing vehicle issues and implementing effective solutions. Conducting routine maintenance to ensure vehicle reliability and safety. Ensuring all work complies with relevant standards and regulations. Maintaining high safety and quality standards in all tasks. You will play a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency and reliability of vehicles, which is essential for ensuring customer satisfaction. Job Requirements: To excel in this role, you must have: A valid B1 driving license. Strong English communication skills. In-depth knowledge of automotive mechanics and electronic systems. Experience in complex repairs and routine maintenance. Ability to work in different settings, including large dealerships, small garages, and family-owned workshops. Workplace Description: You will work in a variety of settings, including car mechanic garages, big dealerships, small garages, and family-owned garages, providing a diverse work experience. How to Apply: Submit your resume and a cover letter outlining your qualifications and experience. This is a great opportunity to join a dynamic team and make a significant impact in the automotive industry. Interested in Other Opportunities? If the Automotive Technician role isn’t quite what you're looking for, don’t worry! We have a wide range of clients eager to connect with talented individuals like you. There are many opportunities available that might better match your skills and interests. Please get in touch to explore the possibilities and find the best fit for your career goals. N2 People looks forward to receiving your application and potentially welcoming you to our team!    
40 sat  Automobilska 
Kamion mehaničar
Kamion mehaničar Poznajete li kamione/vozila? Imate li tehničke vještine za rješavanje bilo kojeg problema? Nego vi ste Truck Mechanic N2 kojeg ljudi traže. Tražimo (iskusne) automehaničare. Radit ćete s najnovijom tehnikom, kamionima i prikolicama! Želite pokazati svoj talent kao mehaničar i volite raditi s vozilima i uglavnom kamionima. Što trebaš: Certifikat za automehaničara Visokokvalitetan radnik Vozačka dozvola B Govori dobro engleski Iskustvo kao Kamion mehaničar Što dobivaš: Dobra plaća 40 sati radni tjedan Stan (ako je potrebno) Odjeća i obuća (ako je potrebno) Prilika da rastete/razvijate sebe
The Netherlands  Puno vrijeme  40 sat  Automobilska 
Job Description: As a Carpenter, you will perform complex woodworking activities based on supplied drawings and dimensions. Using various woodworking tools such as mechanical saws and other tools, you will ensure compliance with safety instructions and the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) where necessary. You may also be deployed to other parts within the Wood department. Your responsibilities include: Performing woodworking activities for boxes, flight cases, and crates. Assembling separately made parts. Using various tools correctly. Reading and interpreting drawings. Monitoring and ensuring dimensions are accurate. You will be responsible for the quality of the delivered products, ensuring they meet the company's high standards. Job Requirements: To be successful in this role, you must have: Accuracy and attention to detail. Collaborative mindset and the ability to work well with others. Strong technical insight. Experience as a carpenter or joiner. MBO level education or equivalent. Workplace Description: The workplace is a clean and pleasant environment with a nice company culture. How to Apply: Submit your resume and a cover letter outlining your qualifications and experience. This is a fantastic opportunity to join a forward-thinking company and make a real impact. Interested in Other Opportunities? If the Carpenter role isn't quite what you're looking for, don’t worry! We have a wide range of clients eager to connect with talented individuals like you. There are plenty of opportunities available that might better match your skills and interests.
Puno vrijeme  40 sat  Tehnika 
Auto shop mechanic
Auto Damage Mechanic As a car damage mechanic, you play an essential role in repairing and renewing vehicles that have sustained damage. With your expertise, you will ensure that damaged cars’re back in optimal condition. You have an eye for detail and safety so customers can get back on the road with peace of mind. Do you have a passion for cars’s, technical insight and the drive to deliver quality?  At N2 People, we are always looking for Automotive professionals who want to take their skills to the next level!  What do you need: Certification as an auto mechanic Driving license B1 English speaking and writing is a plus Job description–talk to our recruiter   What will you get: Housing - if needed – single room Health insurance Travel – if necessary Shoes and clothing (if needed) Good salary net €500 - € 600 per week   Work with the latest techniques and materials  Work at high-end companies Chance to develop yourself Long-term contract
Driver Distribution
As a distribution driver you take care of the transport of pallets and general cargo for the customers of our clients within the Benelux: Belgium – The Netherlands – Luxemburg. You will work within a team with a fixed group of drivers. The working days are in general from Monday to Friday. The departure time is normally between 5 AM and 7 AM and you will be back normally between 5 PM and 7 PM (this can sometimes differ). On average you have 15 to 25 stops a day. Working weeks around 50 hours is quite normal. In addition, in this job you have a lot of customer contact and you are really the “business card” for the organization and our relations.   One of our clients is a young and dynamic transport company with extensive experience in: courier services, transport, distribution and storage and transshipment with a great modern fleet of vehicles  and a completely new, modernized distribution center. They guarantee the perfect quality and specific wishes for their customers day and night.   Our onboarding process for drivers: 1. Candidates offered from the recruitment channel are first screened on the basis of CV, competences and hard job requirements as driver’s license, code 95 , English language and drivers card for the tachograph.  2. The next step is that you are coming to The Netherlands and will be active as driver for passenger transport for the first 2 weeks within N2People. You will be addressed on: Driving behavior Damages/fines Communication Punctuality Cooperation with the Planning department 3. When we as N2People experiences that those 2 onboarding weeks are positive, you will be scheduled for a morning at the client to practice on the truck with an experienced driver and together you will perform activities as: Link truck to dock Change trailer if necessary Truck driving skills 4. If this half day is experienced as positive by you and the experienced driver, you will start the process to onboard as a truck driver at the client.         What are the necessities to get this job? You are in possession of a C/E driving license Driver's diploma (CCV-B) / code 95 You have a flexible attitude and are very solution-oriented You are customer-friendly and service-oriented You have (several years of) experience as a (distribution) driver.   What do we offer you? Good salary; 40 normal full time hours 100% – extra hours 130%. Flexible work week. Housing (if needed + single room) & Transport (if needed). Clothing and safety shoes (if needed). Opportunity to grow/develop yourself.  The onboarding training period will be paid at 100%!   When you are interested please send us your CV included all necessities to our recruiter to contact you and have an interview. We are aiming for a long time collaboration with you!
Puno vrijeme  Drivers 
Mjenjač Guma
Želite li zamijeniti gume? A govorite li engleski? Dakle, trebamo vas! Zahtjevi za posao Sposoban za fizički rad Podizanje kotača i guma Iskustvo na tehničkom poslu je pred Timski radnik Vozačka dozvola B (poželjno) Komunikativni engleski – razina B1 Što nudimo Dobar posao - 9-12 tjedana Mogućnost naknadnog obavljanja drugog posla 38 sati tjedno Ako nemate iskustva, možemo vas obučiti
Puno vrijeme  38-40 sat  Automobilska 
Radnik Panela
Radnik Panela Želite li raditi kod jednog od naših klijenata u automobilu? Jeste li netko tko se trudi za najbolju kvalitetu u popravljanju oštećenja, onda ste mjerač lima koji traže N2 ljude. N2 ljudi imaju više pozicija na različitim mjestima u Nizozemskoj. Kao lim metala usredotočite se na sve uobičajene zadatke za popravak s obzirom na dijelove tijela i šasije. N2 ljudi rade zajedno s vodećim automobilskim partnerima u Nizozemskoj. Radna mjesta na kojima rade naši zaposlenici inovativne su garaže koje djeluju prema najmodernijim metodama i s najinovativnijim tehnikama i alatima. Kvaliteta, izrada i brzina najvažniji su za naše kupce. Naši zaposlenici rade na oštećenim automobilima svih zamislivih marki automobila.   Što dobivaš:   Dobar i dugoročniji stabilan posao u modernom i profesionalnom okruženju Najmanje 40 sati tjedno, često mogućnost dodatnih sati Kućište (ako je potrebno) Cipele i odjeća (ako je potrebno) Dobra plaća i izvrsni sekundarni uvjeti Opcije razvoja i obuke Jedno vrhnje Zdravstveno osiguranje Prijevoz iz smještaja i od smještaja   Što trebaš:   U mogućnosti ste slijediti sve korake u procesu listova. Rastaviti, popraviti i obnoviti dijelove tijela i šasije Popravite manju štetu, <2 sata oporavka i velike štete Zavarivanje CO2 i bakar Obnova oštećenja pomoću radnog stola i hidrauličkih alata u kombinaciji s digitalnim mjernim sustavima Vraćanje originalnih linija automobila Primijenite komplet kao prvobitno primijenjen Brušenje bijelog metala, punilo prvog sloja Brušenje od punila Popravite odbojnike s strojem za zavarivanje Poznate ste i imate iskustva s radom s promatračem To je plus ako možete raditi s Miracle sustavom Vozačka dozvola b U stanju ste samostalno obavljati posao   Želite li pokazati svoje vještine? Onda se prijavite odmah!
Puno vrijeme  40 sat  Automobilska